The first issue of Nobrow magazine is out at last! It's a beautifully printed, limited edition magazine in which a range of artists have interpreted the theme "Gods and Monsters". The price is very reasonable, only £9, so get yourself a copy immediately!
My contribution is based on Norse mythology and features a showdown between Odin and the horrible Fenrir! According to the myth, Odin would get killed by Fenrir at the battle of Ragnarokk and the world would go under. Kinda like Armageddon I guess. All this stuff is normally the property of black metal folks who take it all very seriously... I thought I'd make it a bit more light hearted.
A limited edition screen print of the image is currently for sale from Nobrow Smallpress. It's an edition 50, all signed by the artist (me!) and can be yours for a mere £75.00
There's also an exhibition on in the bar/gallery Jaguar Shoes in London, where all the images in the magazine is on prime display. My image was chosen to be blown up real big, covering a whole wall! I'm super chuffed, because I must say it looks pretty damn cool!
The show is running until the end of June I think, so check it out.
Thanks to Alex and Sam for the hard work!
It looked freakin' stunning on that huge wall, Bjorn. YEAH!
Beautiful work me old mucker, I shall pop along to that bar and have a drink in your honour!
heisann. var i london i forrige uke og ante fred og ingen fare. spankulerte litt rund i nabolaget vi bodde i og før jeg viste ordet av det så går jeg forbi jaguar shoes og ser noe kjent gjennom vinduet. det var sannelig en hyggelig overraskelse!
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