Thursday, 8 July 2010

Open Studios 2010

The annual "Open Studios" exhibition at Jamaica Street Artists (my office) went ahead a couple of weeks ago. They just keep getting better. Lots of people swung buy and I sold quite well.
After a year dominated by digital work, I managed to cut loose and experiment with pains and varnishes, which I had wanted to do for a long time. Very refreshing! The time pressure forced me to make bold decisions, making it harder to over-work the images (some would say "finish the images", probably...) I want to do more of this actually...Putting up stuff of various degrees of completion. Some times there is beauty in the incomplete. And it's more interesting. I'm very into primary colours at the moment after seeing the "Van Doesburg and the International Avant Garde" exhibition at Tate Modern. Such an amazing exhibition! Couldn't help being inspired!


Luc Melanson said...

Wow, I really like those paintings! Especially the red, yellow and blue last series.

Bjorn Rune Lie said...

Ah, Thanks Luc!
Very unusual for me to strip things down so much, so really glad you like them!

a said...

I really like your illustrations!