Thursday, 28 October 2010

The Wolf's Whistle


Hello there! Sorry it's been so long. I've been really busy the last few months working on a new picture book called "The Wolf's Whistle". It's the story of what happened before the well known fairy tale of the Three Little Pigs. Turns out there's more to the story than previously thought, and that the wolf might not be such a bad guy after all! The book will be published by the Nobrow Press in mid November. It'll be printed in three spot colours; Red, Blue and Yellow, and hopefully the result will look a little something like this:





mydeerfriend said...

It looks beautiful!!

Unknown said...

Detta ser pretty sweet ut BJ, gleder meg til å se! :-)


Anonymous said...

hi, my children and I just LOVE your book Wolf's Wistle. Are there any more similar books coming? Where can I get that information?

Hicham Amrani said...

Whouaouuuuuuu!!!!!!! great, great, great!