Happy New Year! I know it's a bit late, but hey! I've made it through January without getting the English Winter Blues! Yey! Although my studio is still like a deep freezer, I now have a wood burning stove in my house to keep me warm, so I can get through the days just thinking about chucking logs on the fire, pouring a glass of whisky and putting on a black and white film...Ah..My life is kinda complete now!
Anyway..Here's an illustration I did for Yee Haw a few weeks ago. A poster for a Chili Festival, where 30 odd chefs compete to make the most devilishly nice chili! Should have been there!
Sinnsykt stilig plakat!
Og igjen, tusen takk for hjelpen!
this is one of the best things i have ever seen!!!!!!! aaaaaaah i love it!!!!!!! btw sold 60 of your books in angouleme festival over the weekend. x al
Tusen takk, Marius! Bare hyggelig!
Thanks a bunch, Al!
Great news about the sales! Good for the self confidence! Take care/speak soon! xB
توفر شركة مكافحة حشرات بالاحساء المقدرة علي التخلص من جميع انواع الحشرات و الزواحف التي تعمل علي تعطيل سير امور الحياه بشكل طبيعي و ايضا تعد عامل قوي في انتقال البكتريا و الفيروسات بين الافراد
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